

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas is Coming ! ♥

Merry Christmas ~~
have something new again..haha
 Tata ... new bag again haha
my Christmas present I buy for myself ~
love it ~~~
 Last Saturday with friend hang out!
wohoo ...have a fun day
shopping, eat, take photo, go see for cosplay
wow it so amazing a lot people 
I most love is Jack Frozen 
but I didn't take picture with he
missed it !!
and also buy some shirt for new year
love it ~~ not very expensive
 With cosplay friend have a selfie ~~
she so beautiful ... look like real ~
have a cup ice cream
strawberry ~~
yumm yumm
 Now waiting Christmas and Christmas Caroling
excited for Christmas Caroling
first time join it ~
 this picture end my story for today ~~~
after Christmas will more story about me
follow it~
Instagram: EvonneChew720

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