

Monday, January 26, 2015

Special Activity 2015

have a fun day ~~

Sunday, January 4, 2015

start on 2015 ♥

2015 the first story of me~
 the holiday got a lot things happen ~
shopping with friends with family
 2014 last picture
2015 the first picture
hmmm ... 
in the holiday I learn a lot things...
start new life totally
forget the past,
record the future,
know some new friends
forget someone..!!
you go away of my mind!
 Tata my Christmas Present on 2014
sorry for late update~
the small Santa Claus is exchange present,
the stitch is my mom brought for me
oh,so happy
when awake at first glance 
wohoo ... thank you Mama
 My breakfast on Christmas day
Yumm Yumm
you're the best Mama 
May God Bless You