

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


School holiday is start... wohoo ~~
Sunday have a great special activity~
first time been to Pulau Aman 
have lunch seafood yumm yumm
the first things... come get a selfie XDD
excited wohoo ~~ 
a lot people go... have a lot fun ~~
after lunch have a walk...
take some photo..
make some jokes..~~
the oyster is so so yummy~~~
really really love it at all~~~

 the girls~~
wohoo pretty lehh..XDD
 The girls and ... the crazy ?
 Holiday holiday~~
but just 1 months 1 week ~
hmm got a bit not enough XD

Wohoo ... have something new ~
new purse black gold like =DD
so happy at this few days ... ^.<

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Hey..long time didn't update liao!
here intro somethings~~
 Tata ... this casing is from
Bling Bling baby house ~
their things very nice wont expensive 
love it
they got sell lens casing a lot things
go inside and see~~
 okay finish intro..!my story start ~
 new shirt nice?
very love
black all~~~
 when October holiday with cousin hang out
Gurney Paragon~~
shop eat..so wonderful day
 the place we have been~
not bad...
very nice...
me and cousin.. 
School holiday coming soon
finish next week my holiday is come
shop eat play again~
excited ...hahaha 
waiting for Christmas
New Year countdown
Ang bao ... wahhahaha